Welcome to Vintage Cooking! I am Laura Warnke and wanted to welcome you to my new website.
I am a home cook that loves to share my creations with my family and friends. I learned my cooking skills from my mom and grandmothers. There were so many good recipes along the years that I knew needed to be shared with others. The thought of them just fading away seems wrong in some way and that is one of the driving factors of starting this website.
I guess I am a bit of a recipe preservationist in that regard, as it can be so easy for the years to go by and have good recipes lost in the process.
My Background
I grew up on a Wisconsin dairy farm where just about everything we made involved whole fresh milk, butter, sour cream and other dairy treats.
Cooking and baking was a large part of growing up on a farm, as there were plenty of hungry men to feed each and every day. You would finish dishes for one meal and before you knew it you were thinking about the next meal.
My Philosophy
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My aim with this website is to bring you some excellent comfort food recipes that have stood the test of time and are still meant to be shared and enjoyed today.
My philosophy on cooking and baking is that I want easy to follow recipes that turn out good, each and every time.
What is Comfort Food?
So, just what is comfort food? I guess that is slightly different for everyone, but for me comfort food represents a feeling of home, family and soul. Comfort food is the glue that holds a family together. I think the comfort part is a feeling of safety and security combined with good memories of the past. I believe the heart and soul of the family starts in the kitchen.
My Plans for this Website
I plan to be sharing with you a variety of homemade recipes, including breakfast and brunch dishes, desserts, and main dish recipes as well. To me this is just daily cooking with a bit of refinement to get the recipes good and have them be repeatable so they turn out good each and every time.
I want you to be able to find new favorites for your own family and incorporate some of these recipes into your daily and weekly cooking.
Also, I plan on sharing with you monthly income reports for this blog, as I am self-employed and this website is one of my main sources of income. I believe that you can make a living doing what you love with an online business and part of that for me is showing you how you can do it for yourself.
I will be posting fairly frequently in the beginning as I am in the process of combining two older websites of mine into this one. My older websites are www.all-about-dessert-sauces.com and www. breakfast-and-brunch-recipes.com. I am taking the best from both of those sites and combining them here along with new recipes for desserts, lunch, and dinner.
So, I hope you take a moment to subscribe to my newsletter and join me while I share some of my family’s favorite recipes.